The Low Lunge

The Low Lunge is a beginner-friendly yoga pose that focuses on opening up the chest and providing relief for sciatica. It’s important to note that individuals with heart problems should avoid this pose. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing the Low Lunge:


  1. Starting Position: Downward-Facing Dog
  • Begin on your hands and knees with your shoulders directly above your hands and hips above your knees.
  • Press your hips straight up until both legs and arms are straight.
  • Maintain a straight line from hips to head, letting your neck follow the natural extension of your spine.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly.
  1. Stepping into Low Lunge:
  • Step your right foot forward to your right thumb.
  • Lower your left knee to the ground, stabilizing your right knee with your hands.
  • Move your left knee further behind you until you feel a stretch in your thigh and groin.
  • Place the top of your left foot on the ground.
  1. Rising into the Pose:
  • Inhale and lift your torso, reaching it tall and vertical.
  • Allow your chest to rise and expand as you reach your upper body toward the sky.
  • Raise your arms out to the sides and then above your head.
  • Tilt the bottom of your pelvis slightly forward, pointing your tailbone down.
  1. Gazing Upward:
  • Slowly turn your head and gaze up at the sky without straining the back of your neck.
  • Extend your pinky fingers toward the sky.
  • Sustain this position for three or four breaths.
  1. Releasing the Pose:
  • To release, exhale and push back with your left leg until your torso is above your right thigh.
  • Bring your left leg back to join the right leg, with both knees together on the ground.
  • Lower your arms until they rest by your sides.
  1. Transition to Downward-Facing Dog:
  • Exhale and bend forward at the hips, placing your hands on the ground.
  • Return to Downward-Facing Dog with both legs and arms straight.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly.
  1. Return to All Fours:
  • As you exhale, lower your hips until your knees are on the ground, and you’re on all fours.
  • Remain in this position for a couple of full breaths.
  1. Repeat on the Other Side:
  • Repeat the entire process, this time stepping your left foot forward.


  • Pay attention to your breath and maintain a steady and controlled pace.
  • Listen to your body, and if you experience discomfort beyond a gentle stretch, adjust the pose accordingly.
  • Keep the movements fluid and coordinated with your breath.

The Low Lunge is a grounding and stretching pose that can contribute to increased flexibility and relief from sciatic discomfort.

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